Business Industrial
Welcome to the Business and Industrial Technology Department at Smedberg Middle School. The department staff is very excited about having the opportunity to provide an educational program in which students are challenged and assisted as they experience opportunities towards academic growth. The popular elective courses in our curricular areas prepare students to apply technology expertise across the curriculum for success in rigorous middle school and high school academic programs.
Units of study in our Computer Technology course include touch-typing, word processing, spreadsheet development, database management, desktop publishing and electronic research projects. Technical reading, note taking, critical thinking and problem solving are emphasized throughout the course of study.
Our Industrial Technology course is designed to give students a basic understanding of skills that apply to home repair and to shop and tool safety. In addition, students are presented with a basic understanding of the many skilled trades used by successful residential and commercial construction workers. Students will gain knowledge of skills needed in the area of home construction and light home remodeling by working with and creating projects made of wood.
We are very proud of how the courses we offer in the Business and Industrial Technology Department meet the future career and personal needs of our students. Should you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, please contact us to discuss these issues. We want to work with you to make school a positive, successful experience that will fill your child with a strong desire to succeed academically and associate successfully with his/her peers.
Staff Members:
Barber, Terry -Computers
Rieger, Cathy - Computers
Wynne, Alun - Woodshop
Barber, Terry -Computers
Rieger, Cathy - Computers
Wynne, Alun - Woodshop