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Attendance - School Office

SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS (Starting 8/7/23)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:30 am to 3:45 pm
Wednesdays and Minimum Days
7:30 am to 3:00 pm
Phone: 916-681-7525

Fax: 916-681-7530


School Secretary - Kristan Manning -
School Office Technician (Attendance) - Bernard Bush -
School Office Technician (Attendance) - Corita Hall -
School Office Technician (Vice Principals) – Shana Strassburg -
Data Processor - Sarah Adams - 


How to Clear Absences

Absences must be cleared within seven (7) school days beginning on the day student returns to school. Students who do not clear their absence(s) within the seven days will be considered truant from school.
Use the following email to report a student absence:

Parents may call the attendance office, email, or write a note to clear an absence. Notes are to be delivered to the attendance office before school, during lunch, or after school. The note must include the student’s name, identification number, date(s) of absence(s), reason for absence(s), a telephone number where a parent/guardian can be reached to verify the note, and a parent/guardian signature.

Students with excessive absenteeism will be reported to the Attendance Improvement Office (AIO) and may be required to provide verification of illness from a doctor.
Classification of Absences (E.C. 48260, 48261, 48262)

EXCUSED: Illness, doctor or dental appointments, death in the immediate family.

UNEXCUSED: Truancy, flat tires, running out of gas, missing the bus, oversleeping, and vacations.
Leaving School Early

PARENTS MUST CALL OR WRITE A NOTE asking that the student be released from school early. The note should include all of the information listed above, and the date and time the student needs to be excused from class.

STUDENTS WILL BE ISSUED A “LEAVE OF GROUNDS” SLIP. Parents must come into the main office and provide ID to sign students out before a Leave of Grounds slip will be issued. If the Leave of Grounds is not picked up and the student leaves the school grounds, the student will be recorded as truant.

RETURNING TO CLASS. Students must report to the main office upon returning to school. Their Leave of Grounds will be date/time stamped and the student will return to class. If a student is unable to return by the designated time, the parent should follow-up with a call or note.